On Wednesday the 14th of December, we held our end of year event at Creators Art Space to celebrate our successful grant recipients for the past 12 months.
We invited all of our 2022 successful grant recipients and heard first hand how their grants have been utilised.
On the night we were able to thank all those in the community who have supported Albury Wodonga Connected Communities this year.
Thank you to La Maison Restaurant – Bar & Function Centre for catering our event, everything was delicious.
A special thank you to Mell Millgate from Starfish Marketing and Ryan Lumby from Findex for all your efforts & support through the year.
We would like to shout out to members from Creators Art Space, Yackandandah Community Bowling Club, Table Top Rural Fire Brigade, Albury Women’s Shed, Alburyathletics, 1st Lavington Scout Group and Wodonga Heart Football Club Inc who spoke about all the awesome things they are achieving.
Their stories of community positivity and benefit encapsulates our boards thinking of why we do what we do.
We would like further thank the Bendigo Bank, as without their partnership we would be unable to provide community organisations the opportunity to financial assistance.