A record number of applications have been received for the first round of Albury Wodonga Connected Communities 2019 Grant Applications.

Twenty applications were received from various local community groups and organisations. The applying organisations came from the following categories:

  • Five Sporting Clubs
  • Four Children and Youth Groups
  • Four Community Groups
  • Seven Other Groups (Theatre, Music, Fashion, etc)

Grants are awarded to organisations who can clearly demonstrate the social benefits of their project for their own members and/or the broader Albury Wodonga Community.

Grant applications must also fit into certain categories and guidelines, which are outlined here.

Locals for Locals

Where does the funding come from?

All Albury Wodonga Connected Communities (AWCC) funding comes from Bendigo Bank.

The bank pays a commission to AWCC when local customers tag their account with AWCC. AWCC then distributes these funds to the local organisations who are successful in applying for an AWCC grant.

The commissions are paid as part of the Bendigo Bank’s community engagement budget. These commissions are made at no cost to the Bendigo Bank customer.

The means the grants are essentially provided by locals for locals.


Successful Application Announcements

The Grants Night, where we’ll be announcing the successful recipients for the first round of Grant Applications for 2019, will be held on 8 May 2019.

This will be the fourth official Albury Wodonga Connected Communities Grants Night.

Join us to celebrate connected communities as we announce the successful grant applicants for the first round of grants for 2019.

Come along, meet the Albury Wodonga Connected Communities Board, enjoy some light refreshments and connect to your local community.


Register your attendance here.